“Why am I a Freemason?”

A question every mason should ask themselves whether they have just entered the fraternity or have been attending lodge for decades is “Why am I a Freemason?”

This question is critical because it engenders introspection of the motivations behind the great investment of time and resources in practical, social, and mental realms. To answer the question of ‘why’ behind your journey of Freemasonry gives you the opportunity to reflect upon the personal the logos or the reasoning behind joining and remaining a Freemason. It gives you a prompt to muse on the ethos, the role your character plays in your journey of Freemasonry. Pathos is explored in this question as well, for examining your ‘why’ regarding being in the fraternity helps to cement and re-solidify your well-circumscribed and yet passionate emotions about Masonry.

It is recommended that each brother take time to remember their first days in lodge as well as their last attended meeting or the last interaction which they had with the fraternity to contemplate why they remain a Freemason. Find out what causes they are that drive you to work upon your ashlar.